Privacy Policy
What is Baby Jalebi’s Privacy Policy?
To maintain your right to privacy while shopping with us is one of our biggest priorities. We, thus, only ask for the most necessary information that is required for us to complete your order or to contact you regarding its status. The information we collect includes your name, email address, shipping address and billing address. Apart from the Baby Jalebi team, this information is only shared with our associated courier partner that will be delivering your ordered items. Please be assured that Baby Jalebi does not store your credit / debit card or online bank account information.
Please note that Baby Jalebi reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy at anytime.
Does Baby Jalebi store my information?
Baby Jalebi only stores information that is uploaded by you during the registration process, along with shared comments, conversations and interactions with other members on the website. No information such as credit / debit card details or online back account information, etc., is stored in our database. These details are directly entered by you into the bank payment gateways, which are 100 percent secure. We do not handle this sensitive data or store it.
What is Organic Cotton and why do we use it?
Organic cotton is cotton grown without the use of genetically modified seeds, fertilizers, pesticides or any other synthetic agro-chemicals, which are considered to be highly toxic and therefore, harmful to the earth, cotton workers and consumers.
Since no chemicals are used in the manufacturing process, organic cotton is hypoallergenic and highly recommended for infants as it is less likely to cause adverse skin reactions. As compared to conventional cotton, organic cotton has also been shown to be beneficial for asthmatics.
What does GOTS certified organic cotton mean?
GOTS stands for The Global Organic Textile Standard, which is recognised as the world's leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres.
What is conventional cotton?
Just because it’s natural, cotton may not be a safe choice. Over years, owing to demand the processes involved in cultivation and processing of cotton havechanged. Cotton crops use as much as 25% of the world’s chemical pesticides that are carcinogenic and 75% of conventionally grown cotton is made from genetically modified seeds.
Is organic cotton softer than conventional cotton?
Organic does feel softer than conventional cotton because the threads that make up cotton have not been broken down or damaged by chemicals used in their growing process, making their surface smoother and nice to the touch.
Why choose organic cotton over conventional cotton?
Any choice you make as a parent, that puts your child next to products that are healthier for him or her and healthier for the environment is something to feel good about :)
What are Azo free dyes and do you use them?
Azo free dyes are dyes that don’t have azo – basically chemical compounds in dyes that can cause cancer, can be dangerous to human genes and reproductive systems if used carelessly. Given that your baby's skin has a natural sensitivity and an undeveloped derma, the health risk of exposure to aromatic azo dyes is very high. All our products are Azo free.